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MyPlayerHub (2019) - Android App


MyPlayerHub social app built for Android in Android Studio, designed for gamers where a user can create an account on and store references to all their public gaming accounts, socials and statistics, such as Steam, Blizzard, Epic Games and Origin, with room for additional expansion in the future. You can then find your friends and see all of their different accounts in one place, so you can add them as a friend on each platform and compare gameplay statistics.

The design of this app comes to solve the issue of having to ask a friend for all of their accounts, so you can add them as a friend or see their gameplay activity, instead they can direct you to their account on the app and all of their information will be in one place. The target audience for this application is any computer gamer (perhaps extension to console accounts) of any age with active and public gaming accounts. Currently there are game specific sites and the publisher sites e.g. Steam which hold information, but in order to share this information users must send links to their profile or supply their friends with their tags every time they play a new game or try a new host platform (e.g. friends on a Steam game but not a Blizzard game).

My app addresses this by allowing a player to create a single page that hosts all of their gaming related accounts, which they can then share with a friend who wants to add them by sharing their username in the app. Each user on the app will have a page to themselves where they can add accounts of different types, and with each type they can add the related account information, e.g. a Blizzard account they add their Battletag. They will also be able to add multiple of the same type of accounts, for instance if they have multiple Steam accounts they can link them all there. Tapping on the account will then give the viewer the ability to view the player’s game information including specific games with links to statistics trackers. Links can be provided for any profile optionally, and stats are currently available for Epic Games and BattleNet accounts for Fortnite and Overwatch respectively.

You can download the app below.


The Impact of Mobile Augmented Reality and Gamification on Encouraging and Increasing Physical Activity - Research Paper (2019)

This is a research paper produced for The University of Brighton for 3D Emerging Game Technologies module for the Internal Student Conference. Prepared using Springer LNCS format for LNCS proceedings.

Text Adventure Game (Basic AI) (2018)


A simple game loop made in Java that uses basic artificial intelligence to decided a computer controlled player's actions through a dungeon with randomly spawning enemies. It's not extremely sophisticated, however it was made as part of a project to make a game loop that would spawn random enemies, and the computer would decide for the player which items to use/what action to take depending on the stats of each enemy. Logs of the rounds print to the console.


Froggur (2018)


This is a Foggur-inspired program written in C++ using OpenGL, created as part of a 3 man group with Joshua Ruane and Leandro Santos with me as project leader. Starter source code was provided for the beginning of this project, however the task was to, using OpenGL, create and load in 3D obects, display them in the program using custom lighting shaders, and provide functionality to move an object, and create and handle custom collisions. The performance of the program suffered at the end with the implementation of bounding boxes on every moving part, however a small looping error was discovered and patched which helped reduce the program's load. This is however a program rather than a game as there are no game mechanics nor purpose to the player. It is instead a program to demonstrate the use and implementation of OpenGL in C++ with 3D models.


Pokémon Animation (2018) - 3DS Max

Small animation created using AutoDesk 3DS Max for a second year module. The animation was originally story-boarded on paper, and then over the next several months alongside other coursework, the animation was rendered. The audio is no longer available on this clip, however the image quality surpasses that of the submitted render as another image sequencer was used.

I do not own the rights to Pokémon, these were purely fan-made objects used for educational purposes only.

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